Sajeesh Rajendran

Between the Nothingness and the Bliss…


Framed in:  Meditate… reflect… ride and ride on… through the nothingness, exploring the void and absorbing the tranquility of the travel, one comes to terms with only the road and the two wheels. Being alone and without any expectation or destination, travel becomes euphoria. The time stands still and the terrains on both the sides move on. With no destination to reach, there has to have a nothingness in front to conquer. And beyond every curve, the nothingness will give way to a state of ecstasy… a pure bliss! So every time you take a curve, between the nothingness and the bliss, you rediscover yourself!

Framed out : Clicked with my HTC desire HD, this picture becomes the first mobile click in this blog. With the changing technology, this becomes inevitable. This picture, I guess reiterates the fact that, to get a good frame, you don’t need a sophisticated camera and lenses. You just need to be at the right place at the right time and with a right state of mind.  I was on a weekend trip to my friend Nitha’s place at Manipal and she was busy with her work on a Saturday and I had to roam around alone. Since her husband had a Thunderbird, roaming around alone was never a task for me more over was something that I welcomed! So I just rode to kollur without any purpose, the sole purpose being the ride! Had a good Darshan at the Mookambika temple. And on my way back I wanted to capture this entire feeling of being alone in the road and the euphoria it gave me. It was during that golden time of the day with the slanting golden rays of the winter season making the entire world look beautiful. When I saw this play of light in one of the bunch of grasses I knew I am in for a good frame. I stopped the bike in the shadow and moved a little back and clicked it.  “Beyond Nothingness.” Was born!

Grey Frames : “The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.” G. K. Chesterton 

Through out… Till the end….

Framed in : The entire life is a wait… Through out the life we wait for something at every point of time… From the day we are born, the wait is an indispensable part of us. We wait for our mom’s caring hugs during the child hood, we wait for those sweet pecks from dad…We wait for bus, we wait for exam results and what not?!… and when the hormones creates a tickle in us, when we find out the right person…we wait for him/her to be a part of us!!! And every wait carries hope. But there are these waiting which has no definite hopes.. but still… As my friend once wrote to me “Ella kaathirippinu pinnilum oru pratheekshayundavum. Pratheekshayillaatha kaathirippinu pakshe  oru sukhamund!” (Every wait will have a hope.. But this wait, without any hopes also has a pleasure!) yes, that was true. Certain relationships are like that. Even though the hopes and expectations of being together are feeble, the mind tends to wait, of course without any hope!   But the love still exists! Can it exist as eternal even when we have to separate at some point of time? Let us wait! In short.. What is life? It is nothing but a wait for death from the day we are born! She is also waiting for him… with a hope he will come at some point of time to hug her.

Framed out : I don’t have a definite idea when was this photo was clicked. But this is my second year class room.. so it might have been taken somewhere during 2004. And I remember that particular day. It was a tire some day after a trip or something and we were just cooling out in our class room. Suddenly spot her (she was my class mate) standing in the class room door as though waiting for some one! That created an interest in me. The melancholy in her expression caught my attention. I clicked it with my Yashica FX3 without her knowledge! Think she liked the picture!

Grey Frames :  Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.”   Paulo Coelho.

 Beyond Frames : For all those who are waiting for something endlessly.. (I know a quite a few people now!). Keep faith… The hopes will be delivered.. So wait with happiness!!! 

The First Rays….

Framed in:  Dawn… The first appearance of light in the sky before the sunrise. It brings in lot of hopes along with a pleasant breeze. After a relaxed sleep the eyes open to the coolness of the morning with a lot of hopes and happiness. The expectations are plenty and the atmosphere is pleasant.. The windows are about to open to the new rays of hope!  What more do you need? Go on… Let it be always dawn in your life! And let the symmetry of your life be balanced and let the birds chirp every now and then.


Framed out: It was Panjim, Goa. The coolest place for any photographer. The visual variety and richness it offers is quite amazing! A walk with your camera can make you a stunning photographer. I was there in 2004 for the first time to photograph a painting exhibition conducted by Indian Christian Art Association. I was sent by the college to cover the event. The mornings are always tempting. I loaded the Nikon FM10 camera and a 70-200 Vivitar lens and went for a morning walk. It gave me some awesome pictures. This one is particularly close to me since it offers a wide variety of perspectives. The symmetry, The colour,  The lighting, The grandeur of the Portuguese architecture etc. Presenting that Dawn… for you!


Grey Frames: “However long the night, the dawn will break”  : African proverb

The Elixir….

Framed in: Dreams are the very essence of life. Without which the life would have been a monotonous chains of realities. They add in more spices and hopes and smiles… when you dream… you are re-born! So, in a way dreams are the elixir of life! Dreams are one’s own… you cannot expect some one else to dream for you. So you have to dream your dream and you have to Hold on to your dreams tightly! And as the former president of India, Dr.Abdul Kalam stated, “Dreams are not those you see during your sleep, but those are the ones that should make you sleepless! So, I am sleepless and still clinging on to my dreams. Joining me?


Framed out: It was one of those boring vacation days. After lunch I usually feel a very depressing laziness which will tempt me to go to bed. But I hate sleeping during daylight! So I took out my Camera and was wandering through the compound of my house with a macro lens mounted on it. I was searching for something strange and peculiar. But nothing captivated my interest. Suddenly I had a close look into my fist and held it above my head against the sun. That captured my mind. Took out the lens cap, set the shutters and apertures at the higher end and clicked with one hand. The result was stunning! This  photo has drawn a lot of appreciation for me as a photographer. There was a mention about this photograph in one of the issues of ‘The Hindu’ when it was exhibited in “Artographies”, an exhibition of photographs and Paintings.


Grey Frames : Nothing happens unless first we dream” : CARL SANDBURG