Sajeesh Rajendran

Through out… Till the end….

Framed in : The entire life is a wait… Through out the life we wait for something at every point of time… From the day we are born, the wait is an indispensable part of us. We wait for our mom’s caring hugs during the child hood, we wait for those sweet pecks from dad…We wait for bus, we wait for exam results and what not?!… and when the hormones creates a tickle in us, when we find out the right person…we wait for him/her to be a part of us!!! And every wait carries hope. But there are these waiting which has no definite hopes.. but still… As my friend once wrote to me “Ella kaathirippinu pinnilum oru pratheekshayundavum. Pratheekshayillaatha kaathirippinu pakshe  oru sukhamund!” (Every wait will have a hope.. But this wait, without any hopes also has a pleasure!) yes, that was true. Certain relationships are like that. Even though the hopes and expectations of being together are feeble, the mind tends to wait, of course without any hope!   But the love still exists! Can it exist as eternal even when we have to separate at some point of time? Let us wait! In short.. What is life? It is nothing but a wait for death from the day we are born! She is also waiting for him… with a hope he will come at some point of time to hug her.

Framed out : I don’t have a definite idea when was this photo was clicked. But this is my second year class room.. so it might have been taken somewhere during 2004. And I remember that particular day. It was a tire some day after a trip or something and we were just cooling out in our class room. Suddenly spot her (she was my class mate) standing in the class room door as though waiting for some one! That created an interest in me. The melancholy in her expression caught my attention. I clicked it with my Yashica FX3 without her knowledge! Think she liked the picture!

Grey Frames :  Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.”   Paulo Coelho.

 Beyond Frames : For all those who are waiting for something endlessly.. (I know a quite a few people now!). Keep faith… The hopes will be delivered.. So wait with happiness!!! 

Searching for existence..

Framed in: When an individual loses a sense of personal sameness and historical continuity, he falls into this state known as “identity crisis.” We feel dejected and out of the world. The reasons for we being here in this world is unknown to us. But definitely there is a purpose for our presence here, because nothing happens without a cause. This holds true in every case as in “Chaos Theory”. As the time goes by, importance of certain things diminishes certain other things increases. That’s natural.  This particular statue brings us the memories of the once glorious past it had. Now left untouched, it might have had a fabulous past with even people worshipping it. But now ignored by everyone, broken down into pieces, it still stays in its place with an identity crisis, without knowing its purpose of being there! This can happen to me, to you, to everyone! So beware!

Framed out: This picture was taken at Dauna pola beach  in Goa. One of those rarest beaches in Goa which doesn’t have much sand. This particular statue, raised my interest. The way it stood facing the sea, the mysterious look.. everything added to the interest it created. I dint wait long to click it. With the Nikon FM10 camera loaded with Fuji 200 film, it brought out the colour I intended for. This pic has effectively used the awesome qualities of a tele lens. With vivtar 75-300 lens obviously set at 300 mm, the depth of field was controlled and a slight out of focus added the mysterious touch to it. Taken from slightly above the horizon, this gives the pic a look like that has been taken from an air craft or something which added to its mysterious look! Truly an identity crisis!


Grey Frames: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. “
                                                            Friedrich Nietzsche