Sajeesh Rajendran

The Elixir….

Framed in: Dreams are the very essence of life. Without which the life would have been a monotonous chains of realities. They add in more spices and hopes and smiles… when you dream… you are re-born! So, in a way dreams are the elixir of life! Dreams are one’s own… you cannot expect some one else to dream for you. So you have to dream your dream and you have to Hold on to your dreams tightly! And as the former president of India, Dr.Abdul Kalam stated, “Dreams are not those you see during your sleep, but those are the ones that should make you sleepless! So, I am sleepless and still clinging on to my dreams. Joining me?


Framed out: It was one of those boring vacation days. After lunch I usually feel a very depressing laziness which will tempt me to go to bed. But I hate sleeping during daylight! So I took out my Camera and was wandering through the compound of my house with a macro lens mounted on it. I was searching for something strange and peculiar. But nothing captivated my interest. Suddenly I had a close look into my fist and held it above my head against the sun. That captured my mind. Took out the lens cap, set the shutters and apertures at the higher end and clicked with one hand. The result was stunning! This  photo has drawn a lot of appreciation for me as a photographer. There was a mention about this photograph in one of the issues of ‘The Hindu’ when it was exhibited in “Artographies”, an exhibition of photographs and Paintings.


Grey Frames : Nothing happens unless first we dream” : CARL SANDBURG