Sajeesh Rajendran

Gliding between Life and Death!

Framed in: How should we be welcoming death? A question which is a paradox. But according to Osho, while we know that death is in front of us, we must just let off the life fly away from us! Otherwise if we try to cling towards the life, we will never feel content and will die with a feel that we still have lot more to be done in this world. The hope in this case is a villain! What ever the hope may be death is inevitable. You can’t keep it postponed for even a second. Then why this hesitation to accept it?! “The Last Leaf” by O.Henry was an inspiration once.. But later it brought in lot of weird thoughts. It is giving a false promise… There is nothing eternal in this world. The same is the case with a few relations too. Certain relations may be intense but unstable. Every second we will be reminded that this relation is not going to last long for some or other reasons. But still we try to cling on to it. The best way to come out of it is to let it go off.. Let it fly away and never try to call it back. The emptiness may be painful for a few days. But believe me, as the cliché goes… Time is the best healer!  Let the leaf hanging on the edge of the finger fall off.. Let it fly down and perish… New leafs will definitely sprout!

Framed out: This picture was taken during one of our practical classes during my second year of UG. There was a huge structure made of iron and a white translucent material attached to it which we never knew for what purpose it was at that time. (Now I guess it was meant for Table Top photography) It was used for everything else except for what it was intended to! Those were the days when creativity was the buzz word and we were like trying a lot of weird stuffs to prove we were thinking out of the box! This was a result of that search. There was this thing of white translucent board attached to the large iron structure. I got a banyan tree leaf from somewhere and asked my friend Gayu (Gayathri Devi) to hold it with one finger on the board and kept a light directly behind it. The result was this picture. It has a mysterious look attached to it. Another pic in my collection of abnormal photos! It was clicked with my Yashica FX3 camera attached with FX7 lens

Grey Frames: The fear of death follows from the fear of life.  A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.  ~Mark Twain

Beyond Frames :  Creativity is defeating habit by originality:” (Courtesy: One of the tables in the Transit in Forum Mall in Bangalore and Nitha who showed it to me!). 

Rough Terrains…

Framed in: Barren Terrains… Dried up bushes… Gloomy sky… What else do you require to make your day the worst! The sight of the barren land filled with dried and thorny bushes always brings weird dreams… Dreams of getting lost… Dreams of getting hurt… dreams of being in hot frying pan… and what not!  These weird dried up bushes creates cracks in the still to be explored sky. The unpainted canvas is full of dark patches and gloomy ashes! But somewhere the hope lies in the sky. The hope for a rain to have new sprouts and buds…. Hopes for a brighter sunshine to bring back happiness… Every Dark Patch in life will have a better tomorrow waiting. Wait till the right time arrives to cross the rough terrains!

Framed Out:  A casual morning walk with my elder uncle G.K. never seemed satisfying for my camera. It was a gloomy morning and the light was too less. My Zenith Camera (A 1960 Russian make) had a lens with a slower speed (its maximum aperture was 4.) So I knew it was not the right time. We discussed a lot of things during the walk. Poetry, cinema, Osho, R.K’s Cartoons… Suddenly this happened. There were these dried up bushes hanging on in a rough patch against a grey sky. The stage was set for my camera as I always loved silhouettes. I just took out my camera, Set the shutter speed in 1/30 and supported my camera by holding it tight towards my body and clicked it expecting a silhouette. The exposure was just right and the colour, just perfect. I have not hampered the colour. It’s not a B&W image. It’s taken in colour. But as the atmosphere was so gloomy it looks like a B&W image.

Grey Frames: “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.”        Rabinthranath Tagore