Sajeesh Rajendran

When the Tree Loves the Sky…!

Framed in: Love stories happen around the world. The sharing of hearts, Warmth of the hugs, Dampness of the kisses.. they make us still believe that living in this earth is not that a boring affair! When a tree loves the sky.. anything can happen! The static stubborn tree with its branches spread out… The cool blue sky with the romantic clouds floating on them… they are ways apart and not meant to be together! The difference is obvious. Nobody considers them as a good match and naturally disagreement arises when talked about they getting united! But no force in this earth can seperate them except themselves.For two hearts in love.. they knows no boundaries nor anything else for that matter. The only thing that matters to them is their hearts. Two hearts in love… Nothing can separate them. That’s why the old cliché, “Love is blind!”. But when there is a difference of opinion between those two hearts in love..? There is nothing like a kiss as a remedy. A sweet warm kiss filled with those fragrances of affection. That can ebb out any differences between those two hearts. Let the tree kiss the sky and let them unite together leaving behind all those difference of opinions. Kissing the blues will definitely bring back the magic of affection between them! Let this inspire every one out there to kiss their loved ones to bring back those charm of romanticism which we lost due to the monotonous ways of living. Let us try to make this earth a beautiful paradise. Because only love can transform any hell into an heaven!  

Framed out: This photo is from my series titled “Nostalgic Mornings”. Mornings are the best part of any given day. Watching the darkness slowly dissolving away with the birds chirping at the background… Enjoying the cool breezy morning sipping a cup of hot tea with the news paper, sitting in the balcony… mornings are truly romantic! I wont sacrifice my mornings for anything else. Those coziness offered by the mornings are to be enjoyed to the fullest extend! And the opportunities that a morning offers to a photographer is immense! The slanting golden rays make each and everything in this earth so beautiful. I love to pack my kit and go on photographic expeditions on the early hours of dawn. This pic was a result of one such adventure. The silhouetted tree against a clean blue sky.. That was a treat to my lens. Clicked with my Yaschica FX3, those sprinkled clouds adds an unmatchable beauty to this frame. The odd diagonal angle of the tree renders a dynamism to the frame. One of my all time favourites in my collection.. this pic is too romantic! 

Grey Frames: “Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see anything wrong with each other.” Rene Yasenek

Beyond Frames: This dedication is special. This is for some one who made me dream the same dream many a times in a day! For the angel who made me believe a tree can love the sky and kisses are the magical remedy for any drifts between two hearts! Its for you.. on this special day.. to make it more special… kisses and love…

Rain Drops.. Kissing My Heart..

Framed in: Say the word ‘Rain’, an incomparable joy pours in. Every rain comes with a lot of commitments and attachments packed into it. The first rain drop make us believe that it is here to stay forever. But no rain has ever stayed till the end. At some point of time it has to stop leaving behind a lot of tears and perspiration. After the rains, the world take a sudden turn. The birds, romancing on the top of trees which still rains; walls, with a lot of strange designs left behind by the dampness of the rain; Paths, waiting with puddles of water for the children to kick; Earth, inviting us with a fresh fragrance! But the most exquisite of them all are the dripping drops of rain from the leaves, barbed wires, grass etc. Its their tears for losing the rain! They don’t understand the fact that every rain has to stop at one point of time. After the rains.. tears remain! But I am experiencing a drizzle now. A drizzle of love and warmth, drenching my soul. I wish this rain stays forever here, kissing my heart!

Framed out: This was clicked during the last days of my stay in Munnar. It was a Sunday and we had nothing to do. So, me and my colleague, Arun.K.Nair went to Rajamalai a world renowned wild life sanctuary famous for ‘Nilgiri Thar’. For visitors, entry is restricted up to a point. But since KDHP ( Kannan Devan Hill Plantation) had an estate beyond that point and the asst: Manager of that estate was our friend, we were allowed to cross that point. You can call it a heaven. I was fascinated by the picturesque landscapes. To top it, rain accompanied us! My camera couldn’t resist itself from clicking! I clicked almost two rolls! This dripping barbed wire was one of my favorites among them. Did a take a lot of effort to get the frame right. Arun always used to make fun of me on my eccentricities like these! But he was so supportive for all my crimes. Thanks comrade! This picture was clicked with my Yashica FX3.

Grey Frames: Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. An Argentinean Proverb.

Sparkling Romantic Red….

Framed in: In Love, what a red rose can do, nothing else can. There cannot be a substitute for Red roses and kisses in love. Dampness of some sweet kisses and dryness of a few red roses given by HER are still there in my fading memories! Romance is such an amazing feeling that springs up in any individual. That’s a basic necessity which makes this world more beautiful to live in. looking on to her eyes, one forgets the fact that the earth rotates, day and night appears, time tickles on, autumn and spring passes by… Once you fall in love, you find yourself upside down… the entire world will look more colourful and beautiful! Once I was in love.. but not any more. But whenever I see those passion flowers… I wish to be back to my romantic days. To walk with her in the rains… to be kissed by her in the darkness of the night… to be hugged by her in the shades of trees… to feel her smell which resembled baby creams… to write love letters.. to fight over those silly things… In Love, what a red rose can do, nothing else can!!!!

Framed Out: Those college days… they were romantic and fun. The day was auspicious and was during my second year of UG.. It was after some function. Think it was the inauguration of the literary club and I was elected as the Gen. Secretary or something. After the function I came down from the auditorium and was just kidding around. one of my juniors came to me with a bunch of red roses.(I swear noting fishy in that!). She just wanted to congratulate me on the occasion. That’s it! Her hands were looking cute and I had this idea. The camera was Nikon FM10 loaded with Kodak200 I guess. I asked her to hold them against the white walls of the class room which resulted in this picture. A small manipulation digitally presented a wonderful frame! Something like a post card… this picture, though a cliché, still evokes the feel of a romantic moment spent with some one special!

Grey Frames: If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I’d be picking roses for a lifetime.Swedish Proverb

Through out… Till the end….

Framed in : The entire life is a wait… Through out the life we wait for something at every point of time… From the day we are born, the wait is an indispensable part of us. We wait for our mom’s caring hugs during the child hood, we wait for those sweet pecks from dad…We wait for bus, we wait for exam results and what not?!… and when the hormones creates a tickle in us, when we find out the right person…we wait for him/her to be a part of us!!! And every wait carries hope. But there are these waiting which has no definite hopes.. but still… As my friend once wrote to me “Ella kaathirippinu pinnilum oru pratheekshayundavum. Pratheekshayillaatha kaathirippinu pakshe  oru sukhamund!” (Every wait will have a hope.. But this wait, without any hopes also has a pleasure!) yes, that was true. Certain relationships are like that. Even though the hopes and expectations of being together are feeble, the mind tends to wait, of course without any hope!   But the love still exists! Can it exist as eternal even when we have to separate at some point of time? Let us wait! In short.. What is life? It is nothing but a wait for death from the day we are born! She is also waiting for him… with a hope he will come at some point of time to hug her.

Framed out : I don’t have a definite idea when was this photo was clicked. But this is my second year class room.. so it might have been taken somewhere during 2004. And I remember that particular day. It was a tire some day after a trip or something and we were just cooling out in our class room. Suddenly spot her (she was my class mate) standing in the class room door as though waiting for some one! That created an interest in me. The melancholy in her expression caught my attention. I clicked it with my Yashica FX3 without her knowledge! Think she liked the picture!

Grey Frames :  Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.”   Paulo Coelho.

 Beyond Frames : For all those who are waiting for something endlessly.. (I know a quite a few people now!). Keep faith… The hopes will be delivered.. So wait with happiness!!! 

Romantic Mornings….

Framed in:  Dreams are unlimited. They come and go. For me… most of my dreams are romantic! In fact romantic to the core… These romantic paths… I love these lonely ways and walks through them. These paths are seductive. Seductive to the extend that they make you dream! A walk with her, through this mystic greenery, with fingers crossed, to the horizons, by sharing the dreams and breaths…. What a dream that is! If rain accompanies… what more can I ask!!! But sadly, most of the time, the ways are lonely for me. I cross them alone! Never ever there was some one to cross the fingers over and share the heart beats through these paths. These ways are my dreams… dreams to a walk to the land of dreams unlimited.. With those fingers crossed and shoulders rubbed!

Framed out: This photo is a part of my series titled “Nostalgic Mornings” made as a part of an academic assignment. Clicking pictures in the early hours of the mornings was my passion always. So when I was given an option to choose my topic for the assignment, I dint even hesitate… Mornings.. The romantic, pleasant, cool, blue mornings! At once packed my kit and went to the mountain ranges of Nilgiris to the get the ultimatum! The series was an awesome one with the richness of Morning and coolness of early rays. This pic was one such exposed with my Yashica FX3 with FX7 lens. These are definitely my ways to the Dreams!

Grey Frames: “The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi

Beyond Frames: This post is dedicated to some one who has led me to the discovery of the best Music I can ever hear! Who has taught me the meaning of the smileys! Some one who dreams to make my dreams a reality; to walk in rain with the fingers crossed… rains with pearls and crystals… who has taught me “if there is a reason to love, there is a reason for life and beyond!”.. Who always keeps on telling me “certain relationships come without a tag!”  For her magic ragas of love and affection! Yes it is for you… just for you…