Sajeesh Rajendran

Between the Nothingness and the Bliss…


Framed in:  Meditate… reflect… ride and ride on… through the nothingness, exploring the void and absorbing the tranquility of the travel, one comes to terms with only the road and the two wheels. Being alone and without any expectation or destination, travel becomes euphoria. The time stands still and the terrains on both the sides move on. With no destination to reach, there has to have a nothingness in front to conquer. And beyond every curve, the nothingness will give way to a state of ecstasy… a pure bliss! So every time you take a curve, between the nothingness and the bliss, you rediscover yourself!

Framed out : Clicked with my HTC desire HD, this picture becomes the first mobile click in this blog. With the changing technology, this becomes inevitable. This picture, I guess reiterates the fact that, to get a good frame, you don’t need a sophisticated camera and lenses. You just need to be at the right place at the right time and with a right state of mind.  I was on a weekend trip to my friend Nitha’s place at Manipal and she was busy with her work on a Saturday and I had to roam around alone. Since her husband had a Thunderbird, roaming around alone was never a task for me more over was something that I welcomed! So I just rode to kollur without any purpose, the sole purpose being the ride! Had a good Darshan at the Mookambika temple. And on my way back I wanted to capture this entire feeling of being alone in the road and the euphoria it gave me. It was during that golden time of the day with the slanting golden rays of the winter season making the entire world look beautiful. When I saw this play of light in one of the bunch of grasses I knew I am in for a good frame. I stopped the bike in the shadow and moved a little back and clicked it.  “Beyond Nothingness.” Was born!

Grey Frames : “The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see.” G. K. Chesterton 

In to the History….

 Framed in:  Many a times, there are instances when you feel too small at the face of the history; the helplessness of the present in front of the past! The very few pages left by the history for the present to read itself will absorb you and astonish you. Standing in the middle of the courtyard of one such page will make you envisage the hugeness of the past and the tininess of us. Unlike the previous era, the present as such is not leaving anything for the future to be proud of us. What we create now are those I-phones and Google doodles, which cannot find a place in the history for more than few decades.  Every moment and relationship that we create now are virtual. But these virtual realities never exist. We destroy the so-called history passed on to us and we are not creating anything new worthwhile for the future to be called as history. In short, we are creating a world without history for the future generations! How scary it can be? So we should do our bit to preserve the history passed on to us and also try to create a small part to add on to the history for the future generations to read upon!

Framed out: I think this will be the first digital image posted in this blog! This was shot at Thirumalanaykar Palace, Madurai. We were on this road trip for this Travel Show “Road to Paradise” that I am doing for the Travel channel, ‘Travel trendz’.  When Anuj, the anchor, was standing in the middle of the courtyard of the palace and looking around,  I knew what has to be done!  I had a Canon 5D mark III mounted with a 16-35 lens and was shooting a round trolley shot inspired by this movie “Iruvar” may be. But I dint have that shot in my mind when I shot this. But later I realized it do have a lot of similarities with that Santhosh Shivan shot! Nevertheless, this frame made me feel mesmerized. I could feel the smallness of me in front of this huge structure and felt merged to the history.  There is nothing happier than a beautiful frame captured. This is one such. The moment I clicked this picture, I knew this would be up in my greyframes!

Grey Frames: “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.”  Robert Kennedy