Sajeesh Rajendran

Rain Drops.. Kissing My Heart..

Framed in: Say the word ‘Rain’, an incomparable joy pours in. Every rain comes with a lot of commitments and attachments packed into it. The first rain drop make us believe that it is here to stay forever. But no rain has ever stayed till the end. At some point of time it has to stop leaving behind a lot of tears and perspiration. After the rains, the world take a sudden turn. The birds, romancing on the top of trees which still rains; walls, with a lot of strange designs left behind by the dampness of the rain; Paths, waiting with puddles of water for the children to kick; Earth, inviting us with a fresh fragrance! But the most exquisite of them all are the dripping drops of rain from the leaves, barbed wires, grass etc. Its their tears for losing the rain! They don’t understand the fact that every rain has to stop at one point of time. After the rains.. tears remain! But I am experiencing a drizzle now. A drizzle of love and warmth, drenching my soul. I wish this rain stays forever here, kissing my heart!

Framed out: This was clicked during the last days of my stay in Munnar. It was a Sunday and we had nothing to do. So, me and my colleague, Arun.K.Nair went to Rajamalai a world renowned wild life sanctuary famous for ‘Nilgiri Thar’. For visitors, entry is restricted up to a point. But since KDHP ( Kannan Devan Hill Plantation) had an estate beyond that point and the asst: Manager of that estate was our friend, we were allowed to cross that point. You can call it a heaven. I was fascinated by the picturesque landscapes. To top it, rain accompanied us! My camera couldn’t resist itself from clicking! I clicked almost two rolls! This dripping barbed wire was one of my favorites among them. Did a take a lot of effort to get the frame right. Arun always used to make fun of me on my eccentricities like these! But he was so supportive for all my crimes. Thanks comrade! This picture was clicked with my Yashica FX3.

Grey Frames: Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. An Argentinean Proverb.


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