Sajeesh Rajendran

Purpose of being here…

Just Born

Framed In:  Life in its basic form is the biggest spectacle ever. The innocence and the twinkle in the eyes of a newborn seeing the first ray of the light are hard to be missed. There is excitement in each and every breath. One can’t help but notice this excitement, which is infectious. That enthusiasm is inspiring and stimulating.

Everyone is born with a purpose and discovering the same can be intriguing. Walking through different paths, listening to the different sounds around, wearing new colours everyday can be inspiring. The ability to enjoy the subtle fragrances of the rain, intense passion of love, the profound tranquility of the sea waves, the vibrancy of a sunrise and serenity of sunset should not be lost. Live life to the fullest. Realising the fact that being alive is the true magic is the key. That’s the secret to be inspired and to find the real reason for our existence! 

Framed out: One thing that I love about my job is, it takes me through a lot of fascinating moments and insights. I was on a recce for a TVC at a place called Prenjapur, some 60 odd kilometers from Hyderabad. In search of the right location, we traveled into the interiors when I spotted this shepherd on his way back home, probably after a long day. I wanted to stop and click a picture but then since it was not in our agenda I kind of hesitated. But after going for half a kilometer, something made me tell Vivek, the driver to turn the vehicle towards the shepherd.

I believe in the concept of “being in the right place at the right time” and that’s exactly what had happened that day. 

Once we reached, we see this lamb. He was just born and I couldn’t help but keep gazing at him. The way he was toddling behind his mother, the way she was caring for him, the way he was treated affectionately by the shepherd and other sheep around… was a delight to watch. We wanted to hold him and feel him. The mother was orbiting us when we were playing with the kid. I could see the worry in her eyes. That made me realize emotions are common across all living beings

The setting was perfect. The twilight added to the charm. I was instantly attracted to the cuteness and the innocence in his face. Clicked with my One Plus 5T, this picture brings in a wave of emotion that’s hard to explain. All I know is it will remain a favorite for a long long time!

Grey Frames: “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.”  Fyodor Dostoyevsky