Sajeesh Rajendran

Toddling Back in to life with colours….

Framed in: The colours were worn off the day she was born. The hopes and joys never shed its pearls on her. The darkness was visible at a distance. And there were no lights of hope anywhere around. But she decided to fight. She was determined to colour her life with the brightest colours despite of all the odds against her. The darkness around her were ebbed out with the colours of hopes and dreams from nature. With those limited colours known to her she has started to toddle back in to the life! A lesson to be learned by us indeed. Because we fail to recognize the colours around us since its abundant!

Framed out: This picture was taken at KEREMEHAS (Kendra for the Rehabilitation of Multiple Handicapped Adult Sisters) at Coimbatore undertaken by the Church of South India, Coimbatore Diocese. I was assigned to make a photo essay for them. The inmates of the Kendra where Mentally retarded and were adult sisters. The problems faced by them are quite different from those faced by the special children. But the determination of the inmates to defeat their fate was amazing. This Sister was one among them. She was an excellent artist and creates greeting cards on her own. With colours surrounded her, and the painting brushes in the fore ground, it presented an interesting frame. Clicked with Nikon FM10, this picture will stay in my mind always. It speaks volumes.

GreyFrames: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadow.” Helen Keller